Ill-informed Opinions from a Suburban Refugee & Pop Cultural Misfit

Friday, February 24, 2006

Urban Update - Suburban Swine Flu Cripples Cannibal

“An exotic flu strain identified in Hong Kong appears to have crossed from pigs to humans, triggering memories of a global flu pandemic which killed 20 million people in 1918.” – BBC NEWS Online Network

I am sick as a dog. At first I was unsure who to blame for gifting me with this ever so pleasant illness that’s kept me under quarantine like the “Outbreak” monkey for the past 48 hours, until I did a little research on something called Streptococcus Suis or “Deadly Swine Flu”, and it all became so obvious.

The World Health Organization defines Streptococcus Suis as a species of bacterium found in many parts of the world where pigs are raised. It is most adapted to domesticated pigs. Predisposing factors are found in pigs reared in "suboptimal" conditions, for example poor housing with inadequate ventilation. This is compounded if pigs are raised under "intensive" conditions that can cause stress and subsequent immune suppression. The most important risk factor in acquiring the infection is contact with pigs or uncooked pig products. Prevention of the disease in humans depends upon control in pig populations. WHO recommends that pork should be cooked to reach an internal temperature of 70°C, or until the juices are clear rather than pink.

So, thanks Dark Pig for sharing your sickness with your long time people eating pal, perhaps next time we meet I should ensure that your “juices are clear rather than pink” before we go comic book shopping together. You bastard.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm back to my Neo-Citran & NyQuil induced coma.

iPod played "Aerosmith - Sick as a Dog" while posting


Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

Please remember that his internal temperature needs to remain @ 70 degrees or he'll just perpetuate the virus cycle. We need to call up Bob Barker and get him to help us "control the pig population, have your swine spayed or neutered". I knew we shouldn't have let that pork chop anywhere near us this past weekend, but when it gets hot out he smells a little like bacon... and I luvs bacon.

10:14 AM

Blogger The Dark Pig said...

I felt bad for a second. Then I thought Ha, Ha. Then I thought, I'm hungry. I think I'll go fix myself a sandwhich. Then I thought, what's on TV.

6:20 PM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

Aw, stick it in your 5-hole, Pig

7:57 PM

Blogger Girl said...

It's just all about mind over matter really.

I have not time to be sick therefore I am ot sick.

Just tell it to bugger off.

1:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the flu is that there was nothing preceding it to provide memories that make the sickness worth it. hell of a party and a hangover cancel each other out. If only the had an option before it started..."press one for shindig, press two for a strip club, press three for a kegger. Thank you for choosing your own party, as tomorrow the flu will begin."

7:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a nasty cold 10 pages into "The Stand." The only time the redundant bastard ever scared me.

4:36 PM


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