Ill-informed Opinions from a Suburban Refugee & Pop Cultural Misfit

Friday, April 28, 2006

A Cannibals Confession II – Blog Burnout & Broken Bonds (post #69 - tee hee!)

Well, it looks like our little secret society of blog buddies has nearly come to an end with JAG being the only one posting consistent updates, is it possible that the dreaded Blog Burnout is a real phenomenon? I haven’t updated in almost two months, Dollface (Serena) silent almost as long, Meg’s been buried under an undead sea of primary action items from her employment cemetery and even the mighty Pig’s pen has been hushed nearly a month now. I suppose our community has suffered some sort of Mayan fate or Atlantean catastrophe that’s wiped us all from the blog-scape. So what happened? It’s certainly not for lack of content; in fact I’ve juggled so many balls of late that I could give the girls on Cathouse a few pointers much less the Toronto Blue Jays.

Is it spring fever that’s brought us all to our knees? Mowing the lawn? Skirt chasing? Coming out of hibernation? Shaking collective cobwebs from between our toes and flossing them with blades of fresh grass?

So where do we go from here? My beloved blogsters, throw me a line. With exception of the Pig, whom I haven’t seen since poker night a few weeks back but can usually wrangle up when necessary, if this is in fact our finale or fond farewell to the blog beast, send me an e-mail address so I can keep in touch with you if your heart so desires. Dollface? Meg? I’m talking to you. JAG, keep writing and I’ll keep reading.

iPod played "Freddie Fender - Wasted Days & Wasted Nights" while posting


Blogger Spankey said...

Don't do it...what else do I have to do at work on a Friday afternoon or a Monday morning, but read the ramblings of the canibal and the pig

Say it isn't so....

9:29 AM

Blogger Girl said...

Plugging along...

And can I just say that old guy is, um, kinda yucky.

11:36 PM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

Saw the Pig last night, I told him that I posted something, he looked at me like I had stuck my man hammer in his ear (which I don’t believe I did, I was aiming for an eye socket). His look was so foreign, almost like blog babbling doesn’t even rate amongst everything else that’s going on, a second tier hobby. Despite this possible realization, more than once I turned to him during our conversation and said as I often have in the past; “I feel a blog coming on”. We’ll see where this takes us, I suppose. Not for lack of content, maybe just a priority shift.

7:20 AM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

"And can I just say that old guy is, um, kinda yucky."

I'm deeply offended, you're off my Christmas card list... ;)
Keep posting nonetheless, these other lazy shits will come around eventually.

7:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might be time to consider a group blog. Takes the heat off, letting you spend more time doing quality work, and still the fans get their per diem or thereabouts.

12:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Universal Equlibrium...has the net really reached its critical mass of Urban Cannibal musings. I hope not. It is my uncommented refuge for those moments of the mundane.

12:22 AM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

Well put Ash. The pig and I considered doing a group thing but as soon as she caught a glimpse of his little piglette she hysterically left the hotel room, never to be seen again (didn’t even take the money from atop the night stand). Seriously though, we did think of doing a collective, but our inspiration was of an evil source, just a work of utter fiction, secret confessions of a fledgling porn star or something "expected" like that, because we always complained of how popular female bloggers were, no matter the content… so we were going to do a cross gender experiment. I was going to photograph the hottest woman I know and we’d pass us off as her as she made her way up the ladder of love. We’d link to our respective sites and drop hints along the way as to what we were up to, but 9/10 we’d bet that those pervy predators out there wouldn’t even visit us. Promotional plug, publicity stunt? Of course! That’s just how we operate.

9:26 AM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

"Critical Mass"? Saga, all you need to do is meet me for a beer and you'd get more than your share of Cannibal Brand ranting (by the way thanks for the lunch invite last week, we should do that again soon). If you didn't spend the bulk of your life with your head up Capt. Kirks pantaloons, you'd see that.

Oh yeah, I'm going to destroy you in paintball, so wear a cup.

9:30 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I plan to keep blogging. But work, school, home repairs, road trips all keep coming first.

I'm starting to find the old guy sexy.Is that wrong?

11:32 AM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

"I'm starting to find the old guy sexy.Is that wrong?"

Considering that's what I'm pretending to look like - no! Missed ya, Meg. Now if we could only get Dollface to come out of seclusion we'd be back on track.

Megs? Get your life hiccups sorted? I hope so.

5:57 PM

Blogger UrbanCannibal said...

I feel a personal dedication picture of "me" coming along in the very near future, just to get you through those chill nights of spring

5:58 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Be still my heart.

Not sorted, but I don't have the energy to stress about them right now, so they'll probably work themselves out now that I'm not trying to fix them.

7:24 AM


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